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Via raffaele cadorna 28

Artmosphere 2° edizione rome art night

Artmosphere 2° edizione rome art night
Roma, Via raffaele cadorna 28 dal 21/04/2023 fino al 12/05/2023 ( Gratis )

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Curator Joe Hansen

Via Raffaele Cadorna, 28
00187 Roma Italia
Visit: rossocinabro.com
Orario: da lun a ven 11 – 17
Metro A fermata Repubblica
Metro B fermata Castro Pretorio

Entrata libera

Con una mostra di opere recenti di 43 artisti internazionali, Rossocinabro inaugura il 21 aprile, in occasione della Rome Art Night, la seconda edizione di ‘Artmosphere’.
Sono quasi tutte tele sia di grandi che di piccole dimensioni, fotografie, qualche piccola scultura e degli oggetti di design veramente particolari. Un’immersione nelle opere emotivamente coinvolgente e suggestiva, realizzata solo attraverso una consapevole ricerca artistica ed estetica. L’arte contemporanea è raffinata, è colta e non elitaria, è capace di giocare e stupire. E’ tradizione e innovazione, un lusso accessibile. E’ memoria, ironia, etica e tecnica. Uno specchio del futuro.
Opere di:
Kimberly Adamis (USA), Regina Affonso (Portugal), Elaine Ashburn (USA), Brian Avadka Colez (USA), Teresa Bellini (Italia), Antonella Caponio (Italia), André Colinet (Belgium), Alessio Costantini (Italia), Nathanael Cox (USA), Begoña Cubero Marcos (Spain), Durlindana (Italia), John Dobson (Australia), Durlindana (Italia), Johanna Elbe (Sweden), Ulf Enhörning (Sweden), Maria Evseeva (Russia/Spain), GusColors (USA), Cosme Herrera (USA), Chantal Hulshoff (The Netherlands), Carina Evelina Johnsrud (Sweden), Corina Karstenberg (The Netherlands), Monika Katterwe (Germany), Giorgi Kavelashvili (Georgia), Bulgan Khatanbaatar (Germany), Rebeccah Klodt (USA), Kirsten Kohrt (Germany), Chikara Komura (Japan), Gil Lachapelle (France), Simi Larisch (Germany), Megan Lee (The Netherlands), Fiona Livingstone (Australia), Jean Charles Neufcour (France), Pawel Opalinski (Poland), Yuri Okada (Japan), Sal Ponce Enrile (Philippines), Théodora Sebestyén - ArtByTheo (Hungary), Sou (Japan), Luana Stebule (UK), Christophe Szkudlarek (France), Taka & Megu (Japan), Josefina Temin (México), Nadia Turato (Italia), Janusz Tworek (Poland)

Il lavoro di ciascuno sarà presentato all’interno del sito di Rossocinabro in uno spazio proprio, permettendo così, pur all’interno del contesto unitario della mostra, di mantenere le specificità delle rispettive ricerche.

Img: Le chemin vers la rivière by Jean-Charles Neufcour (France)

ROSSOCINABRO | Exhibitions | Artmosphere | 2a Edizione | Roma 21 aprile - 12 maggio 2023

English version

2° Edition
Rome Art Night
April 21st – May 12th 2023

Curator Joe Hansen

Via Raffaele Cadorna, 28
00187 Roma Italia
Visit: rossocinabro.com
Hours: Mon – Fri 11am 5pm
Metro A stop Repubblica
Metro B stop Castro Pretorio

With an exhibition of recent works by 43 international artists, Rossocinabro opens the second edition of 'Artmosphere' on 21 April on the occasion of the Rome Art Night.
They are almost all canvases both large and small, photographs, some small sculptures and really special design objects. An immersion in the emotionally engaging and suggestive works, realized only through a conscious artistic and aesthetic research. Contemporary art is refined, it’s cultured and it’s not elitist, it’s playful and it’s amazing. It’s tradition and innovation, it’s affordable luxury. It’s memory, irony, ethics and technique. A mirror of the future.

Artists: Kimberly Adamis (USA), Regina Affonso (Portugal), Elaine Ashburn (USA), Brian Avadka Colez (USA), Teresa Bellini (Italy), Antonella Caponio (Italy), André Colinet (Belgium), Alessio Costantini (Italy), Nathanael Cox (USA), Begoña Cubero Marcos (Spain), Durlindana (Italia), John Dobson (Australia), Durlindana (Italy), Johanna Elbe (Sweden), Ulf Enhörning (Sweden), Maria Evseeva (Russia/Spain), GusColors (USA), Cosme Herrera (USA), Chantal Hulshoff (The Netherlands), Carina Evelina Johnsrud (Sweden), Corina Karstenberg (The Netherlands), Monika Katterwe (Germany), Giorgi Kavelashvili (Georgia), Bulgan Khatanbaatar (Germany), Rebeccah Klodt (USA), Kirsten Kohrt (Germany), Chikara Komura (Japan), Gil Lachapelle (France), Simi Larisch (Germany), Megan Lee (The Netherlands), Fiona Livingstone (Australia), Jean Charles Neufcour (France), Pawel Opalinski (Poland), Yuri Okada (Japan), Sal Ponce Enrile (Philippines), Théodora Sebestyén - ArtByTheo (Hungary), Sou (Japan), Luana Stebule (UK), Christophe Szkudlarek (France), Taka & Megu (Japan), Josefina Temin (México), Nadia Turato (Italy), Janusz Tworek (Poland)

The work of each artist will be presented within the Rossocinabro site in its own space, thus allowing, even within the unitary context of the exhibition, to maintain the specificities of the respective research.

Img: Le chemin vers la rivière by Jean-Charles Neufcour (France)

ROSSOCINABRO | Exhibitions | Artmosphere | 2nd Edition | Roma 21st April - 12th maggio 2023

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