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Rome international art fair 2023 - 7th edition

Rome international art fair 2023 - 7th edition
Roma, Angelo poliziano 32-34 dal 09/06/2023 fino al 22/06/2023 ( Gratis )

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ITSLIQUID Group is pleased to announce the opening of the 7th edition of ROME
INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2023, international exhibition of photography, painting, video
art, installation/sculpture and performance art, that will be held in Rome, at Medina Art
Gallery from June 09 to June 22, 2023.
ROME INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2023 is a contemporary art fair that presents
collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The 7th edition
will represent a forum for the direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors,
artists, photographers, designers, and art professionals. The art fair features paintings,
sculptures, photography art, installations, video art and live performance.
The exhibition analyzes the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization
between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary times,
through two main sections: MIXING IDENTITIES and FUTURE LANDSCAPES.
MIXING IDENTITIES analyzes the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive
experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our
consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other
bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality; a strong communication system
with its own language and infinite ways of expression.
FUTURE LANDSCAPES are abstract, infinite and conceptual, associated with a sense of
freedom and infinite extension. Primarily experienced with the mind, spaces redefine their
limits and borders, transforming surfaces in an open flow of pure ideas. This section
focuses on the concept of the borders and the structures between body, mind and soul,
the human identity and the city, the space and the ground.
During the 7th Edition of ROME INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR, various artists propose
works presenting abstract, infinite, and conceptual landscapes, associated with a sense of
freedom and infinite extension. Spaces redefine our limits and boundaries, transforming
surfaces in an open flow of pure ideas. Robert Falcone, from the USA, produces art,
through the medium of sound, which may include painting, photography, sculpture, music,
object or a combination. Usually works alone, but occasionally in collaboration with other
artists: a work tells a story, and it could be our story. In Falcone’s works emerge the
concept of ‘Joile Laide’ (beautiful-ugly) and the idea of finding beauty in the decay and
degradation of the often dilapidated windows and facades that the artist photographed in Burano

Mappa e posizione dell'evento

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