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Via braccianese claudia 771

Back to the 90s: faith no more, red hot chili peppers, soundgarden live

Back to the 90s: faith no more, red hot chili peppers, soundgarden live
Roma, Via braccianese claudia 771 dal 22/03/2024 fino al 23/03/2024 ( Gratis )

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Back to the 90s. Da Los Angeles a Seattle passando per San Francisco torniamo indietro nell’epopea del grunge, del funk rock e del crossover anni ’90 rendendo omaggio ai Red Hot Chili Peppers, ai Soundgarden ed ai Faith No More.

– FAITH NO MORE played by Tribute Of The Year: https://www.facebook.com/TOTYfnmtribute/

– SOUNDGARDEN played by Outshined:


– RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS played by Freaky Funkenstein:


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